Unfortunately your transaction has been declined or is unable to processed at this time.
Please note we are not able to process payments via telephone, fax, mail or email. There are many common reasons you may be experiencing a declined transaction however ID-EI is unable to edit, correct nor approve transactions that have been declined. For security purposes your information has been deleted. Review the following and "Register" again.
If your transaction is declined after a second attempt we suggest you:
use an alternate payment card/method
contact your Card Issuing Bank
try processing your transaction at a later time
Common reasons a transaction has been declined:
Card Issuer has indicated there is a problem with the credit card number, expiration date and/or CVV.
Card Issuer cannot be contacted during the transaction.
Card Issuer has declined the transaction as it does not allow transactions originating through telephone, fax, email or the internet. This error is often associated with the use of a Discover Card, gift card or a prepaid card that has not been registered.
Card Issuer has declined the transaction due to restrictions associated with your payment card use.